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Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions define the rights and obligations related to the use of the services offered on the website.

§1 Definitions

Regulations – these regulations.

Intermaxmedia GmbH – Intermaxmedia GmbH, Meilipromenade 11, 6032 Emmen, CHE-260.618.222, Handelsregisterant des Kantons Luzern, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Service – internet service belonging to Intermaxmedia GmbH, available under the domain

Category – thematic category to which the advertisement is assigned. The category may be divided into thematically related subcategories.

Advertisement – ​​public information made available by a registered User via the Service.

Guest – a natural person using the Service, not registered or not logged in.
User – a natural person who has an Account registered in the Service.

Registration – a one-time action consisting in setting up an account by the User, performed using the administration panel provided by Intermaxmedia GmbH in the Service.

Account - means an individual panel for each User, launched on their behalf by Intermaxmedia GmbH, after the User has registered.

Blog - is an online diary or information website run by an individual, group or company, which provides regularly updated content (blog articles) on a specific topic.

§2 General Provisions

  1. The following terms of use define the terms of use of the services, which are provided by Intermaxmedia GmbH, Meilipromenade 1, 6032 Emmen, Schweiz.
  2. The terms of use of may be changed and updated at any time. The current version can be found here in the general terms and conditions
  3. By using the services, the user agrees to the terms and conditions below and confirms that he has read and understood them in full.
  4. The contractual relationship between us and the user may be terminated by either party at any time at its sole discretion with immediate effect. Fees for paid services will not be refunded to the user under any circumstances.
  5. We reserve the right to temporarily suspend, discontinue or replace all or some of the Services. We also reserve the right to consider free services as subject to payment in the future and to change paid services or the fees for paid services at any time.
  6. As part of its services, the website provides an online service through which users as advertisers can publish offers and requests (hereinafter referred to as "advertisements"). Interested parties have the opportunity to view published advertisements of other users.
  7. Intermaxmedia GmbH only provides users with information and technical possibilities. User advertisements do not constitute a legally binding offer from Intermaxmedia GmbH. Claims arising from agreements between users cannot be asserted against Intermaxmedia GmbH. Intermaxmedia GmbH does not become a contractual partner in agreements concluded solely between users. The execution of these agreements concluded via takes place exclusively between users.
  8. If individual provisions of this agreement prove to be invalid or unenforceable or become invalid or unenforceable after the conclusion of the agreement, this will not affect the validity of the remaining part of the agreement. The invalid or unenforceable provision will be replaced by a valid and enforceable provision that comes as close as possible to the economic purpose pursued by the parties to the agreement with the invalid or unenforceable provision. The above provisions shall apply accordingly in the event that the agreement proves to be incomplete.

§3 Registration and account cancellation

  1. In order to use most functions, users must register. Registration is free of charge for users.
  2. The use of the services of is permitted for natural persons who are at least 18 years of age and who are able to enter into a legally binding contract. The user also undertakes to ensure that all information regarding his person or company is up to date, accurate and complete.
  3. The access data used by the user must be kept confidential. If third parties gain access to the access data, Intermaxmedia GmbH must be informed immediately or his access data must be changed immediately.
  4. Intermaxmedia GmbH provides two types of accounts:
    4.1 A company account is intended for users who want to create a company profile on the
    website and add and promote their advertisements.
    4.2 A private account is intended for users who want to find a specific service or company.
  5. Corporate account functions:
    5.1 editing a corporate business card
    5.2 editing and reviewing your advertisements
    5.3 managing your subscription
    5.4 managing orders
    5.5 payments
    5.6 list of favourite companies and advertisements
  6. Private account functions:
    6.1 direct contact with a selected user of the Service
    6.2 list of favourite companies and advertisements
  7. To create a corporate account
    7.1 during registration, you must provide an e-mail address and a password for the account
    7.2 activate the account by clicking on the link sent by Intermaxmedia GmbH
    7.3 provide the required data: company name and address.
  8. The user is responsible for the data that he provides and publicly shows to other users and guests of the service.
  9. After activating the account, the user receives all the functionalities of the Starter plan, which is available free of charge for a period of 7 days.
  10. Each user may decide at any time to delete their account and all data contained therein. To delete a user account, please inform the website administrator that you wish to delete the account. Just a short piece of information is enough, e.g. I am asking you to completely delete my user account. You can also provide the date of account deletion, e.g. Please delete my user account from July 31, 2027.
    The User's account will be deleted on the date specified by the User, or if no specific date is provided, immediately, within 5 business days of the request for immediate account deletion.
    Due to technical reasons, your account will not be deleted immediately after submitting a deletion request.
    A request to delete your account should be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. A confirmation e-mail will be sent in response.

    If you have any questions, concerns or need help editing your account or ads, please contact customer service at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

§4 Liability for content

  1. The user is responsible for their actions and the consequences that may result from publishing content that they upload to their user account and make publicly available.
  2. Intermaxmedia GmbH prohibits:
    2.1 publishing copyrighted materials, unless the user has the author's consent to publish the materials
    2.2 publishing illegal content
    2.3 creating multiple accounts on the website that are similar or created for the same purpose
    2.4 adding an ad in categories that have nothing to do with the content of the ad
    2.5 publishing obscene, defamatory content, containing threats towards other users
    2.6 publishing discriminatory content within the meaning of the law
    2.7 publishing pornographic, brutal, harmful to minors content
    2.8 publishing defamatory content against individuals and companies,
    2.9 publishing advertisements for alcohol, illegal intoxicants and drugs, medicines and weapons,
    2.10 otherwise violating the personal rights of third parties.
  3. In the event of a breach of one or more provisions, Intermaxmedia GmbH is entitled, temporarily or permanently and without prejudice to further legal action against the user concerned, to block or delete the user's account, advertisements, in order to prevent and/or block his access to in whole or in part.
  4. In the event of a permanent exclusion of the user by Intermaxmedia GmbH, all functions purchased for a fee will expire. In the event of a temporary exclusion, the right to use the functions purchased for a fee will not be extended for the period of exclusion.
  5. In the event of final deactivation of the published advertisement, all functions purchased for a fee and/or used in this advertisement will expire. If the published advertisement is temporarily deactivated, the functions purchased and/or used in this advertisement will not be extended for this period.

§5 Liability of Intermaxmedia GmbH

  1. Intermaxmedia GmbH is not liable for the correctness of the content and information contained in the advertisements.
  2. Intermaxmedia GmbH is not liable for lost profits, savings, damages resulting from third-party claims and other direct and indirect consequential damages.
  3. Intermaxmedia GmbH is not obliged, but has the right to review or control information and materials posted or made available on the website by users.
  4. Any complaints, comments and errors regarding the operation of the website should be reported to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
  5. Intermaxmedia GmbH makes every effort to ensure that the website operates uninterruptedly.
  6. Intermaxmedia GmbH is only liable for the temporary unavailability of the website, the failure of individual or all functions of the website or the incorrect operation of the website/marketplace caused by gross negligence or wilful misconduct.
  7. The website may be temporarily unavailable or only available to a limited extent due to maintenance work or for other reasons, without any consequences for the user or visitor against Intermaxmedia GmbH for any claims.
  8. Advertisements significantly affected by system interruptions are usually automatically extended.

§6 Paid services

  1. Intermaxmedia GmbH offers free and paid services for a specified period and with specific functions.
  2. All services are made available in plans. The plans differ in price, duration, availability of individual functions and forms of promotion. The plans are described in detail at
  3. Intermaxmedia GmbH provides paid forms of highlighting the user's advertisements, such as:
    3.1 top of the advertisement list - the advertisement is displayed above other non-highlighted advertisements; the order in which the ads are displayed is random
    3.2 bold title font – the ad has a bold title
    3.3 ad background – the ad is placed on a light red background
    3.4 red ad frame – the content of the ad is framed in red
    3.5 Special – the ad is displayed on the portal's main page and on the Premium subpage (Premium – Anzeigen), which displays only promoted ads
  4. The ad is highlighted for 3, 7 or 14 days, according to the user's choice and fee. After the period for which the highlight was purchased, the highlight expires/ends.
  5. Intermaxmedia GmbH is not responsible for the effectiveness of the highlighting forms, understood as a real increase in interest in the ad.
  6. Intermaxmedia GmbH offers the following payment methods:
    6.1 Bank transfer
    6.2 Unzer GmbH
    6.3 Twint,
    6.4 Apple Pay
    6.5 PostFinance
  7. In the case of prepayment, the amount specified in the confirmation email will be transferred to the account specified in this email. The plan or highlight will only be activated after receipt of payment. If the order is not paid within 10 days of receipt of the confirmation email, we will cancel the order.
  8. The prices listed on the website are given exclusively in Swiss francs and include VAT. Intermaxmedia GmbH reserves the right to change prices at any time. For services ordered before the price change, the prices on the day of the order apply.
  9. The fee is due at the time the user places the order and must be paid immediately, unless otherwise stated on the website

§7 Data protection

Information on the protection of personal data and privacy can be found in the "Privacy Policy".

§8 Final provisions

  1. Any disputes between Intermaxmedia GmbH and (current or former) users in connection with these GTC (Terms and Conditions) are subject to Swiss law.
  2. The user grants Intermaxmedia GmbH the non-exclusive, free and transferable right, unlimited in terms of content, time and space, to use and edit the advertisements posted by him/her free of charge. This includes, among other things, the unlimited use of this content online and offline. These rights remain with Intermaxmedia GmbH permanently, even if the user is no longer registered.
  3. If Intermaxmedia GmbH changes these terms and conditions, the amended version will be published here with an updated version date. If the user does not agree with the changes, he/she can delete his/her account.
  4. The terms and conditions are effective from 30.07.2024